Choosing the Right University for You

By Huron University College Modified on September 03, 2024
Tags : Campus Life | High School | Student POV

Hear from former student and now current Recruitment Specialist, Ben Bryan, about what made his experience at Huron University so memorable.

 Choosing the Right University for You

With nearly 100 public universities across Canada, each offering unique opportunities and experiences, choosing the right university can be very overwhelming. To help students understand and prioritize key aspects of their university experience, I have developed the CAMPUS acronym.

This acronym will help you organize and prioritize some of the most critical factors and make the process of comparing universities more manageable. I will also give examples of what made Huron University the right fit for me and made my university experience so memorable.

I hope that by reading what contributed to my decision making and my experience, you may get an idea of which factors play the biggest role in your decision-making process and you can find a university that offers everything you are looking for.

Now, let’s find the right CAMPUS for you:

C — Community/Culture

The community and culture of a university shape your overall experience. Consider factors such as student diversity, campus activities and events, clubs, and the overall atmosphere that align with your interests and values.

My Experience: Huron University is a tight-knit community of just under 2,000 students coming from 60 different countries. As a Huron student, I had full access to all of Huron’s opportunities as well as Western University’s facilities and amenities — including the largest offering of clubs, intramural sports, and student life events in Canada. Through my small classes at Huron and my involvement in intramural sports at Western, I was always meeting new people and getting to enjoy the things I love doing outside of class.

A — Academics

The academic programs and offerings are arguably the most significant factor in choosing your university. Evaluate the range of programs, class sizes, faculty expertise, and research opportunities to ensure they align with your academic goals and interests.

My Experience: Huron specializes in the Liberal Arts and teaches 13 distinct programs at a very high level. When looking for an economics program, it was important for me to be taught by professors with the highest degree in their field, and to have small class sizes so that I could connect with my professors with questions regarding course material, research opportunities, or even reference letters.

M — Money

Financial considerations are important. Evaluate tuition costs, fees, and the availability of scholarships, grants, and financial aid options to manage expenses effectively during your university years.

My Experience: As someone who wanted to graduate without much student debt, Huron was a university that allowed me to do so through a combination of OSAP eligibility and renewable entrance scholarships. Huron also guarantees paid internship opportunities for all students, which allowed me to gain valuable work experience, make money, and start erasing those student loans while I was still in school.

P — Place

Location matters. Consider the geographical location of the university — whether it’s urban or rural, proximity to home, climate, and the opportunities available in the surrounding area that can enrich your university experience.

My Experience: I knew I wanted to get the most out of my university experience, so being immersed in student life at university was very important. This allowed me to narrow down my search as I started looking for student-oriented cities (London, Ontario’s population is approximately 20% post-secondary students) and self-contained campuses so I could access everything I needed on or around campus. While there are endless things to do in London, it is also more affordable than living in other university cities and was closer to my family, so I could visit home more frequently.

U — Unique features

Each university has its own unique strengths and features. Explore specialized programs, extracurricular opportunities, research facilities, campus amenities, and any distinctive qualities that set it apart.

My Experience: Huron is home to multiple completely unique programs, offers its students guaranteed paid internships and mentorship, and has exciting partnerships with top banks and business schools including Scotiabank, RBC, Harvard, and Ivey. On top of that, students get exposed to experiential learning in every program and can receive funding for independent research. Having the opportunity to take part in an internship allowed me to gain valuable and transferrable work experience. This resulted in me securing a full-time job in less that one month after finishing my degree.

S — Support

The size of the university and available support services are critical. Consider the accessibility of academic support, career services, health and wellness resources, and other student supports.

My Experience: Huron offers one-on-one support to all students in academic advising, career development, and wellness services. Being a small university, the availability of these resources is much more accessible, and you can develop a connection with your advisors and counselors for personalized support. Being affiliated with Western University, students also benefit from the wide range of services available there. As a transfer student I was able to access quick and personalized support, which ensured I was on track with my courses and got feedback and results quickly if anything needed to be changed.

By using the CAMPUS acronym, you can methodically evaluate and compare universities based on these key aspects, ensuring you find a university that checks all your boxes and is the best fit for your personal and academic growth. Remember, while all Canadian universities offer great opportunities, finding the right one can make your university experience truly memorable and fulfilling.

 Ben Bryan

Ben Bryan
Recruitment Specialist
Huron University

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